Minutes of Meeting
Sunday, November 11, 2001, 2:00 PM, home of Ingrid Morton, 3204 Cupid Drive, Austin, TX, 78735

A neighborhood meeting was called to order upon written notice being delivered to each neighborhood.  The notice included agenda items.

Carl Pearson opened the meeting, at which 19 members were present.  The meeting was held out-of-doors, at Ingrid Morton’s home.

Carl informed the attendees that he was chairing the meeting as a result of the resignations of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Communications Coordinator in June of 2000.  He iterated the agenda – Membership Status, Treasurer’s Report, Neighborhood Update, and Slate of New Officers.

Ingrid reported on Membership Status, informing everyone that, due to the hiatus of the Association, any member in 2000 would have their membership extended until the end of 2002, and any new member would have their membership extend through 2002.

Ingrid then gave the Treasurer’s Report, informing the attendees that the Association had 24 members, that there was $390 in the non-profit checking account, and that checks from four members who joined in June of 2000 had never been cashed.  Due to the length of time that had elapsed, those four members were welcome to reclaim their checks, and offer new ones if so desired.

Donna Tiemann gave the Neighborhood Update.  Item 1:  The large white house on the feeder to Hwy 71 which sold last year is to be developed into a hotel.  The house will be left standing, and the hotel built behind it.  Item 2:  The Mayor of Sunset Valley organized a meeting between police of his town, APD, and members of the Barton View neighborhood, to discuss potential problems at the Sands Motel.  Neighbors were asked to watch for irregular activities.  Item 3:  The City of Austin is still considering selling portions of the Brodie Tract, basically trading it for other environmentally sensitive lands.  Neighbors Susan and Horacio Gasquet produced plat maps from the City which showed West Gate extending through to Hwy 360.  All attendees agreed this would make the traffic situation in the area even worse than it already is.  Item 4:  Donna deferred to Jennifer Warner, who produced a petition aiming to prevent a rental company on the feeder to Hwy 71 from rezoning their land to a more industrial classification.  Jennifer’s house borders the property in question, and reports the amount of dust and noise is already intolerable.  Jennifer said that at this point the zoning request had not yet made its way to City Council, and urged all neighbors to sign the petition.  The feeling is that once one business is rezoned, it will only be a matter of time before more area businesses attempt the same re-classification, further degrading quality of life in the neighborhood.

Carl informed the attendees of the need for re-election of Officers.  The following candidates were nominated and seconded for election:  Chair, Donna Tiemann; Vice-Chair, Marsha Topham; Treasurer, Ingrid Morton; Secretary, Carl Pearson; Communications Coordinator, Joe Head.  As all members were not present, ballots will be distributed, with votes tallied on Sunday, November 18.  Write-in candidates will be allowed.  After the votes are tallied, members will be informed of the results.  The date and agenda of the next meeting will be at the disretion of the next elected Chair.

At 4PM, the meeting adjourns.

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