CTACS 2005-01-17 meeting

CVision3D success! I arrived to find just everyone already here: John H., Keith S., Serozha S., Charlie B., Chris B., Don K., and new member, Juan Gutierrez. We all dined until busting and then scattered the kids to a different part of the building so we could confiscate their 120 v outlet.

Well, its taken forever, but we finally got the A3000's CVision3D card to do the correct thing.

The guiding light was, "if you get the Cybervision Loading... logo, then the card is OK". Armed with that information we kept beating away and making sure all the correct files for THIS particular version of Cybervision and no files from previous versions were around. We attempted to make sure only 1 of each file was present instead of having duplicates in various places. Then we puzzled over the required configuration for this specific monitor AND we brought along a 1084 to leave hooked up to the motherboard instead of swapping the hi-res monitor back and forth.

We traced our final bug-a-boo to having "echo on" in the S:Startup-Sequence file. We had done that back at the very start of our journey and got so used to seeing it, that we became blind to it. Once we removed that line, wah-lah!!

Hi-res screen shows the workbench... finally.

Thanks for the various help that was given over in comp.sys.amiga.hardware usenet newsgroup.

Mon Nov 15, 2004<-- | UP | --> Mon Feb 21, 2005
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