April 1997


Factuous Remarks

This will be my last issue as editor of The F.A.C.T. Sheet. No, I'm not being done in by fandom politics, or weariness, or a sudden need to travel the world and reevaluate my life: I just have too much work to do. I'm not complaining, but I do have to give up something.
I'll miss invading your mailboxes once a month. And who knows, perhaps at some future date I'll be able to batter my workload down to a manageable size and will return.
Wish me luck...
-- Aaron Allston

FACToids and Friends

(This column is for news about FACT members, their friends, Texas writers, and important events in the SF&F community. If you have any such news, please contact the editor of The F.A.C.T. Sheet.)


The Annual Meeting of the FACT membership is to take place on Sunday, April 13, at the FACT offices (1204 Nueces, Austin), at 2:00 p.m., immediately following the last meeting of the outgoing Board of Directors. If you can't be there, be sure to send in your proxy (included with the Election Supplement in your January-February issue of The F.A.C.T. Sheet) to get your vote counted anyway.

LoneStarCon 2 News

LoneStarCon 2 has entered into an agreement with American Airlines, which will provide convention attendees with a discounted air fare. Residents of the U.S. and Canada should mention Star File number S1187MJ, while residents of European nations should use Star File number S9687AB. Discounts are not available for fares outside of the U.S. and Canada, but use of the European Star File number will cause American to offer the lowest available standard rates. American's reservations number is 1-800-433-7300; their web site is

Publisher News

Austin's Mojo Press has announced that it will publish a limited run of Joe R. Lansdale's Bad Chili, fourth in the Hap & Leonard series, in June; the limited edition will be signed both by Lansdale and the artist and will cost $47. The Mysterious Press trade edition will be issued a month later.
Dead Heat, by Del Stone, Jr., a Mojo Press release, has been nominated for the Bram Stoker Awards final ballot for best first novel of 1996.

Award News: Philip K. Dick

The Philip K. Dick Award winner for 1996 was announced at Norwescon 20. The winner was The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter; At the City Limits of Fate, by Michael Bishop, also received special recognition.

Upcoming Events


(In addition to individual meetings listed below, the FACT/LSC2 offices, at 1204 Nueces [472-9944], are open on Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. These are work-session nights; volunteer help is appreciated. Wednesday is Karen Meschke's night, focussing on LoneStarCon 2 registration data entry; Thursday is Fred Duarte, Jr.'s night; and Sunday is Debbie Hodgkinson's night, focussing on LSC2 programming. Sunday graduates into an informal socializing event, with viewing of King of the Hill, X-Files, and Babylon 5 available, plus "cracker barrel philosophizing about FACT, LSC2, ArmadilloCon, and fandom in general" sometimes well after the alleged 9 p.m. closing time.)

Signings and Bookstore Events


(This list provides release dates on upcoming SF&F movies in case FACT members wish to organize group outings. Please confirm dates and times with your preferred theaters; dates and times are often subject to change.)

4/11:Anaconda (Jon Voight and Ice Cube vs. a preposterous CGI snake)
4/11:The Warrior Of Waverly Street
4/25:Volcano (Tommy Lee Jones protects L.A. during inexplicable volcanic eruption)
5/2:Warriors Of Virtue (Boy swept to alternate world, aided by cute Kung Fu kangaroos)
5/9:The Fifth Element (Bruce Willis as a cab driver of the future)
5/23:The Lost World (Jeff Goldblum and Julianne Moore directed by Spielberg in this sequel to Jurassic Park)
6/20:Batman and Robin (George Clooney as Batman, Chris O'Donnell as Robin, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze, Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl, Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy)
6/27:Hercules (the Greek demigod gets the Disney treatment)
7/2:Men in Black (Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith defend the world from aliens; directed by Barry Sonnenfeld of Addams Family)
8/1:Alien 4: Resurrection (Sigorney Weaver, Wynona Rider)
8/1:Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation (Christopher Lambert in this mystical martial-arts sequel)
8/22:Spawn (John Leguizamo, D.B. Sweeney, based on comic book)
8/29:An American Werewolf In Paris (Tobey Maguire and Julie Delpy)
8/29:Kull The Conqueror (Kevin Sorbo and Tia Carrere in a movie about Robert E. Howard's #2 barbarian)
11/7:Starship Troopers (Adaptation of the Heinlein novel, starring Neil Patrick Harris, directed by the ultraviolent Paul Verhoven)


(This list provides details on conventions that FACT members, associates, and Favorite Authors will attend.)

Project: A-Kon #8. May 30-June 1, 1997: Dallas, TX (The Harvey Hotel, Addison). Anime convention.

DeepSouthCon 35/ChimneyCon 3. June 6-8, 1997: Jackson, MS (Cabot Lodge-Millsaps). Sponsored by Chimneyville Fantasy and Science Fiction Society. Cluefest '97. July 11-13, 1997: Dallas, TX (Radisson Central Park Hotel). Sponsored by Con & Dagger Productions and Book Tree. Mystery readers' book fair. Stellar Occasion 4. August 1-3, 1997: Dallas (Harvey Hotel, Addison). Sponsored by Phoenix Entertainment. SF&F Convention. LoneStarCon 2 (the 55th World Science Fiction Convention; the 1997 Worldcon; the Second Occasional LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention & Chili Cook-off). August 28-September 1, 1997: San Antonio (San Antonio Convention Center). Sponsored by the Austin Literary Arts Maintenance Organization. Contraception 9. October 24-26, 1997, or October 31-November 2, 1997. Kansas City, MO. International Space Development Conference 1999. May 20- 24, 1999: Houston, TX. Sponsored by the Clear Lake Area branch of the National Space Society, NASA, FACT.

Reports and Minutes

Minutes for Regular Meeting
Board of Directors
Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc.
March 9, 1997

The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc. ("FACT") convened in a regular meeting at the Lisa Greene Building located at 1204 Nueces, Austin, Texas (the "FACT Office") at 12:45 p.m. on the 9th day of March, 1997, and the following duly constituted officers and members of the Board were in attendance, thus constituting a quorum:

Judith Ward, Chairman
Aaron Allston, Director
A.T. Campbell III, Director
David Berry, Director; MIS; and Social Director
Fred Duarte, Jr., Director (early departure)
Earl Cooley III, Director and Vice President
Randy "Bear" Philley, Director and Treasurer
C. Dan Tolliver, Director and Secretary (late arrival)

Also in attendance were FACT members Shirley Crossland and (intermittently) Lori Wolf. Also in the building were Terry Berry and FACT member Lynn Ward. The minutes of the February meeting were not approved as the March edition of The F.A.C.T. Sheet had not yet been published.

I. Reports of the Officers of FACT
a. Chairman's Report. Chairman Ward had nothing to report.
b. President's Report. President Taylor was not in attendance. Mr. Duarte relayed Mr. Taylor's regrets that he had been unable to attend for the last few meetings. Chairman Ward inquired after the Gannett money, and Mr. Duarte reported that it had not yet been delivered to FACT.
c. Vice President's Report. Vice President Cooley had nothing to report.
d. Secretary's Report. The Secretary having not yet arrived at the meeting, his report was temporarily deferred.
e. Treasurer's Report. Mr. Philley reported that Mr. Taylor had called him with bank statement information. FACT ended the previous month with an account balance of $360.40; a check for just over $140 had arrived subsequently, and a bank service charge of $10 had been assessed subsequently. The ArmadilloCon account had slightly over $400, had been assessed a $10 service charge subsequently, and $300 from a check from Baen Books had been deposited subsequently. Mr. Campbell reported on the arrival of another $300 check, this one from Tor Books. Mr. Philley reported that the Gannett money had not yet been delivered to FACT owing to a paperwork problem at the Gannett end. There was no state sales tax information to report. Mr. Duarte mentioned that the FACT table would be in the AggieCon dealers' room.
f. MIS Report. Mr. Berry had nothing to report.
g. Social Director's Report. Mr. Berry had nothing to report.
h. Historian's Report. Ms. Steele was not in attendance.

II. Committee Reports
a. ArmadilloCons 19 and 20. No one could report on any formal applications for the convention chairman positions for ArmadilloCons 19 or 20, though Mr. Berry reiterated his interest in them.
b. Publications. Mr. Campbell reported that Brad Foster's Texas SF Inquirer had been well-received, though a minor controversy had erupted over one contribution to the issue. The contribution, written by a Bay Area writer not named at the meeting and illustrated by Brad Foster, had been submitted to Mr. Foster several years earlier; the writer had subsequently moved, and the piece had subsequently appeared in another magazine. A friend of the writer's, seeing the Texas SF Inquirer publication of the piece, took exception to the fact that the writer had not yet received a contributor's copy and that the Inquirer's publication of the piece did not cite its other appearance in print. This individual contacted Mr. Foster and fanzine publisher Andy Hooper with his objections; Mr. Hooper subsequently decided not to publish correspondence regarding the incident until all parties had been notified and had had a chance to respond.

III. Old Business
The major piece of old business concerned an effort made between this Board meeting and the previous one to change the date of the Annual Meeting, and the ongoing consequences resulting from that effort.
The Board members synopsized the situation before (and during) discussion; the synopsis is presented here, before notes on the discussion, for clarity's sake.
At the last Board meeting, the Board, owing to FACT's failure to publish the list of members eligible to serve on the Board in time for it to reach members 50 or more days before the default date of the Annual Meeting (March 9), voted to change the date of the 1997 Annual Meeting to Sunday, March 30. Subsequently, in e-mail, member Robert Reedy notified Director Allston that March 30 was Easter and pointed out that this date was not optimal for a FACT membership meeting.
In e-mail correspondence with the other Board members, Mr. Allston proposed changing the date of the Annual Meeting (again), this time to April 13, the default date of the April Board of Directors meeting. Analysis of the FACT Bylaws indicated that the Board could make such a change between Board of Directors meetings only if they had unanimous consent from the Board members. The Board members involved in the e-mail discussion all indicated consent. Unfortunately, those members did not constitute all Directors of the Board. Secretary Tolliver, under the mistaken belief that the vote had been unanimously approved, generated postcards for the membership describing the date change as an approved action of the Board and distributed them. Subsequently, Mr. Berry, who had been aware of the e-mail discussion but who had not participated or offered his approval, informed Mr. Tolliver that he had not voted in favor of the date-change resolution and consequently the approved date of March 30 was still in effect. Mr. Tolliver subsequently sent e-mail to all on-line members of FACT with known e-mail addresses to inform them that the meeting date had been restored to March 30.
That being the situation leading up to the Board meeting, the Directors discussed the situation to try to sort it out. (Chairman Ward relinquished control of the meeting to Mr. Cooley so she could participate more freely in the discussion phase.) It became clear that members of FACT were confused by the situation and that it was imperative that the date issue be resolved immediately.
Mr. Allston mistakenly proposed that the current approved date (March 30) was unchangeable without Mr. Berry's approval and Ms. Hayden's vote, and therefore unchangeable at this meeting because neither Ms. Hayden nor her proxy was present. This impression was corrected by other Board members, who pointed out that this was a standard Board meeting, requiring only a majority vote, not a unanimous vote, of Directors to take such action.
Mr. Berry protested that changing the Annual Meeting date to April 13 invalidated Article II, Section 9 of the Bylaws, which reads, "Except as otherwise provided by the Certificate of Incorporation, whenever the vote of members at a meeting thereof is required or permitted to be taken in connection with any corporate action by any provisions of the statutes or the Certificate of Incorporation or of these Bylaws, the meeting and vote of members may be dispensed with, if all the members who would have been entitled to vote upon the action if such meeting were held shall consent in writing to such corporation action being taken." His argument was that if a subset of the Board attempted and failed to enact a resolution between meetings, and if the identical resolution were brought up and approved at a subsequent meeting, the situation was indistinguishable from a situation in which the subset of the Board pushed through a resolution between meetings without the written approval of all members of the Board.
Mr. Allston said that he appreciated but did not agree with this interpretation, and objected that the between-meetings resolution changing the meeting date to April 13 had failed, that only the premature distribution of notification cards by the Secretary gave the situation its current ambiguous appearance. He stated also that it was also inappropriate for a failed between-meeting attempt at resolution action to prevent the Board, at a normal meeting, to reevaluate the circumstances leading to the action and vote thereupon.
Further discussion advanced both positions and aired other individual opinions. Mr. Duarte was forced to leave due to time constraints.
Mr. Allston moved that (a) the Board recognize that an action by some members of the Board between meetings to move the Annual Meeting date from March 30 to April 13 had failed, and (b) that the date of the Annual Meeting be moved to April 13. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion.
Discussion followed. It was pointed out that most FACT memberships expire on April 1, so a further motion would be necessary to allow those members to vote on April 13. Chairman Ward recommended against the motion for simplicity's sake: The meeting could take place on March 30, but would, owing to holiday conflicts, probably be so ill-attended that no quorum would be present; the Board could subsequently reschedule for April 13 or another date. Mr. Allston objected that this could have a bad effect on the morale of FACT members. At the end of discussion, Mr. Berry obliged Mr. Cooley to rule on whether the motion were in order, and Mr. Cooley determined that it was.
Before the vote could take place, Director Tolliver arrived. He read a Secretary's Report synopsizing his perspective of the failed attempt to move the date and apologized for the premature distribution of notification postcards.
The directors voted five for, one against, one abstaining on the motion to move the Annual Meeting date to April 13. Chairman Ward regained control of the meeting and directed the Secretary to make appropriate notification to the membership of FACT.
Mr. Allston moved that all FACT memberships currently expiring on April 1, 1997 be extended to April 13, 1997, so that those members would be able to vote at the Annual Meeting. Mr. Tolliver seconded. In discussion, Mr. Cooley cited a precedent in FACT's history. Mr. Philley recommended amending the motion so that those extended memberships only go to 4:00 p.m. on the afternoon in question; that proposal was greeted with considerable humorous commentary but little actual support.
The directors voted seven for, none against, none abstaining on the motion. Chairman Ward directed the Secretary to append mention of that motion's effects to the Annual Meeting notification.
In other old business, Mr. Tolliver mentioned that the Convention Oversight Committee had voted to authorize FACT's co-sponsorship of the 1999 International Space Development Conference with the Clear Lake branch of the National Space Society.

IV. New Business
Member Shirley Crossland indicated that she had learned of a group that bestowed grants upon organizations involved with literary concerns, particularly those involving author readings, and asked for advice on approaching them for a grant for FACT. Mr. Philley indicated that such a grant would allow FACT to sponsor more book-signings and readings. Mr. Allston recommended that Ms. Crossland form a committee to determine the best way to go about this process; Mr. Berry recommended that it be an informal committee for the time being. Chairman Ward received Board consensus on that matter, though it did not require a motion or vote.
Mr. Philley proposed that April 12 be set aside as a Clean Up the Office day in preparation for the next day's meeting. The motion was duly seconded. The vote passed with a vote of four for, two against, one abstaining.

As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 1:49 p.m.

FACT Reading Group Report
March 1997
by A.T. Campbell III

After several months of discussing books by new writers, in March we turned to books by authors whose work we've discussed and liked before: Steven Gould and Tim Powers.
On March 4, eight of us met at the FACT Office to discuss Steven Gould's Wildside. It's a coming-of-age science fiction story in which a group of Texas teenagers discover a gateway to a world filled with saber-toothed tigers, wooly mammoths, and other supposedly-extinct creatures. We found Gould's prose style quite readable, and we admired the author's intent for the book to be read both by adults and younger readers. The novel features extensive aviation scenes, which the private pilot in our group pronounced generally accurate. The characters were multidimensional and easy to tell apart, and their relationships seemed real. While we all found the basic concept fascinating, many of us wished the author had explored his world more. As one person put it, "it's like making Jurassic Park with the dinosaurs offscreen." Overall we liked the book, and we're looking forward to what Gould writes next.
Seven of us met at Adventures in Crime and Space on March 18 to discuss Expiration Date by Tim Powers. The novel is a dark fantasy set in Los Angeles, featuring the ghosts of Thomas Edison and Harry Houdini. We all liked many of the ideas and elements of the book, but we were divided about how successfully the story was told. Two of the group found the writing style "wonderful," while most of the rest found that the story started very slowly and took a couple of hundred pages to pique our interest. One person had nightmares while reading the book, so obviously the writing style was effective for her. One member who'd also read the British version of the book, which differed substantially, felt that the American version seemed "padded." Powers's ideas and unique points of view are always interesting, and we never know what he'll do next.
According to our group's traditions, we now owe each of these twice-discussed authors dinner. Since neither Steve nor Tim lives in Texas, we'll see if we can get together with them when they come to San Antonio for LoneStarCon 2.


Wanted: Sales to Members Manager

FACT's Sales to Members manager has stepped down to work on other projects (LSC2) and the organization needs a volunteer to take this position.
The Sales to Members duties are similar to running a bookstore from your home and managing or participating at a dealer's table at several conventions. The manager is in charge of purchasing stock, keeping a current inventory, and generating sales reports for FACT's board of directors and treasurer. Proof of household insurance to cover said stock is a must.
Sales to Members also attempts to keep in stock books by Texas writers, include Bruce Sterling, Elizabeth Moon, and Howard Waldrop.
Other duties include arranging signings -- dealing with publishers, authors, and bookstores -- and actually organizing and executing the autographings.
Sales to Members has only one annual purchase, a membership to the American Booksellers Association. Their weekly 'zine and other publications help to keep us up to date with all the news of publishing, authors, and bookstores around the country.
Benefits of the Sales to Members position include free memberships to conventions (paid for by FACT as part of the dealer's table cost) and the opportunity to learn a lot about the book industry from authors and publishers.
Recommending new authors and series is a great gift to share. In addition, you always have a place to be during a convention and you get to meet lots of interesting fans and authors.
Interested applicants should contact Karen Meschke at (512) 835-9304 or at

Wanted: Assistant Secretary

The FACT Secretary needs a person with a willingness to show up for Board Meetings and take notes/supervise the tape recorder when the Secretary cannot attend. Will probably be forced to generate Minutes if the notes are illegible and the tape indecipherable. Please contact Dan Tolliver.

Wanted: ArmadilloCon Chairs

FACT is now seeking chairmen for ArmadilloCon 19 (a relaxacon to take place in 1997) and ArmadilloCon 20 (a full-sized ArmadilloCon taking place in 1998).
Job requirements for the position of chair of ArmadilloCon 19 include:

ArmadilloCon 20's requirement are more stringent, and include the following:



It may be that some of the requirements are negotiable, particularly if the applicant has similar experience with other convention-running groups.
Interested applicants should contact any of the Board members.

LoneStarCon 2

August 28-September 1, 1997
San Antonio, Republic of Texas

Crossing All Borders in Science Fiction

The Second Occasional
LoneStarCon Science Fiction Convention &
Chili Cook-Off

Variously known as
The 55th World Science Fiction Convention &
The 1997 Worldcon

Honored Guests:

Algis Budrys & Michael Moorcock

Honored Artist Guest:

Don Maitz

Honored Fan Guest:

Roy Tackett

Master of Toasts:

Neal Barrett, Jr.

LoneStarCon 2 * P.O. Box 27277 * Austin, TX 78755-2277
(512) 472-9944 Voice * (512) 472-4290 FAX *

Attending $135 Until July 31, 1997 * Supporting $25 Always

FACT Holidays and Milestones


4/17:Dennis (Big Trouble in Little China) Dun Birthday
4/19:Dick (Bewitched) Sargent Birthday (1933)
4/20:George (Star Trek) Takei Birthday (1940)
4/22:Brooks Griffith Birthday
Jack Nicholson (Wolf, Shining) Birthday (1937)
Catherine Mary (Last Starfighter) Stewart Birthday
4/23:Ngaio Marsh Birthday (1899)
Avram Davidson Birthday (1923)
Lee (Six Million Dollar Man) Majors Birthday (1940)
4/26:A.E. Van Vogt Birthday (1912)
4/27:Frank Belknap Long Birthday (1903)
4/29:Jack Williamson Birthday (1908)
Kate (Star Trek: Voyager) Mulgrew Birthday (1955)
4/30:Al (Munsters) Lewis Birthday (1923)


5/1:Cindy Foster Birthday
5/7:Darren (Night Stalker) McGavin Birthday (1922)
5/8:Stephen (Babylon 5) Furst Birthday
Peter Benchley Birthday (1940)
5/9:James Barrie Birthday (1860)
5/13:Daphne du Maurier Birthday (1907)
5/14:George Lucas Birthday (1944)
Skylab Launched (1973)
5/15:L. Frank Baum Birthday (1856)

The Fandom Association of
Central Texas, Inc.

The Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc. (FACT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit literary/educational corporation.

Board of Directors ('96-'97)

Judith Ward,
(210) 691-1554
(512) 990-8831
A.T. Campbell
(512) 833-5269
Earl Cooley
(512) 454-3295
Fred Duarte,
Dee Hayden(512) 328-4643
Randy "Bear"
(512) 834-7787
Dan Tolliver(512) 331-8703

(No collect calls, please)

Officers ('96-'97)

President:Robert Taylor
Vice President:Earl Cooley III
Historian:Sandra Steele
MIS:David Berry
Social Director:David Berry
Treasurer:Randy "Bear" Philley

How to Contact FACT

Mailing Address:PO Box 9612
Austin, TX 78766-9612
Street Address:1204 Nueces
Austin, TX 78701
(Note that this is a mixed-use building. When stopping by, please be considerate of those who live and work here.)
Phone:(512) 472-9944
Fax:(512) 472-4290

How to Become A Member

FACT membership benefits include regular issues of The F.A.C.T. Sheet, occasional issues of the Hugo-winning Texas SF Inquirer, and the opportunity to participate in many social events (see the "Upcoming Events" column).
To become a member, please send membership dues to the FACT address at left. The time of year in which you pay for membership determines the amount, so that on subsequent years your membership will come due in April or October.

If you join FACT in:Your first dues will be:
May or November$29.75 (17 months)
June or December$28.00 (16 months)
July or January$26.25 (15 months)
August or February$24.50 (14 months)
September or March$22.75 (13 months)
October or April$21.00 (12 months)

The F.A.C.T. Sheet

The F.A.C.T. Sheet is the monthly newsletter of the members of the Fandom Association of Central Texas, Inc.

Editor: Aaron Allston

Contact Information
Mailing Address:The F.A.C.T. Sheet
c/o Aaron Allston
PO Box 564
Round Rock, TX 78680-0564
(The current edition of The F.A.C.T. Sheet appears here in HTML, ASCII, and .PDF format.)

This Issue's Credits and Notices

Last Updated April 8, 1997.
URL: and
Optimized for Netscape 2.0.
Maintained by Aaron Allston (