North Austin Civic Association

Second Annual
Night Without Crime
on Rundberg

October 4, 2008

Story and photos by Keith Huntsman

Anrtony Williams addresses crowd

NACA president Anthony Williams addresses the crowd of neighbors.

On the evening of October 4, 2008, the North Austin Coalition of Neighborhoods, including NACA, Gracywoods, Mockingbird Hill, North Shoal Creek, Wooton, and Walnut Creek Neighborhood Associations, with the strong assistance of APD's North Central Command, threw their support behind the North Creek/Georgian Acres Neighborhood Association (NCGANA) to bring attention to the high crime area of Rundberg Lane, particularly between I-35 and North Lamar.

The majority of the signs carried by the demonstrators were aimed directly at the Budget Lodge on I-35 just south of Rundberg, which has been reported to be a haven for the drug users and pushers, prostitution, and most notably in recent news, some of the most heinous of crimes against children and other innocents.

The March Against Crime is the second annual event of its nature, uniting APD and the communities in and around Rundberg in a concerted effort to combat the serious crime, particularly drugs, gambling and prostitution, rampant in the area. While some progress has been made, it is certain to take a lot more effort and resources to get the area cleaned up.

Hundreds of people gathered in the dusty field at 408 East Rundberg Lane prior to the march. APD and the media were well represented.

Austin's Finest displayed the old and the new in squad cars.

2 cars

NACA's Anthony Williams takes the stage on behalf of the North Austin Coalition of Neighborhoods, an organization for which he was largely responsible for strengthening into an effective lobbying group. NACN as a whole represents as many as 50,000 residents of Austin.

Anthony Williams presents a certificate of appreciation to Michael Youngs to share with the North Central Command, to commend their efforts in cleaning up the neighborhood.

APD Chief Art Acevedo was there, not only to cheer us on, but to join us in the march.

Chief Acevedo

Chief Acevedo welcomes our neighbor Sheryl Cole of the City Council, who exhorted the crowd to keep up the fight.

North Central Commander Philip Crochet was also on hand, to commend the NACN associations for their strong efforts to help eradicate crIme in the area.

Near 7 P.M., as dusk approached, we started the march westward on Rundberg with APD leading the way.


While the crowd was smaller than last year, it was just as vocal and enthusiastic. Entire families made the march, some with dogs or strollers. The disabled were there as well, including the blind and the chairborne.


Chief among us (sorry), Art Acevedo looks up as....


...a helicopter soars overhead to light the way through the gloaming.

chopper1    chopper2

As the sky darkens, the parade turns around just east of North Lamar and heads back toward I-35 and the well-targeted Budget Lodge.


By the time we returned from I-35, night had fallen and the barbecue was hot. Many thanks to North Central Command for the great food and company.


Thanks to....

City of Austin Police Department
City of Austin Neighborhood Planning & Zoning Dept.
City of Austin Code Enforcement, a division of Solid Waste Services
Capital Area Council of Goverments (CAPCOG)