North Austin Civic Association

October, 2007

Runnymede Apartments Ready for Renovation
Property between Rundberg and Rutland at Mearns Meadow
to Get Estensive Facelift

Runnymede Apartments - satellite image

Yours to Read:


The Runnymede Apartment complex, between Rundberg and Rutland and across Mearns Meadow from the new recreation center, is pending contract with the San Antonio Alternative Housing Corporation (SAAHC), a Texas non-profit housing developer, for extensive renovation as a low to moderate housing facility under Federal guidelines. 4.3 million dollars is allotted to refurbish Runnymede, with a 4% housing tax credit. Renters will not rent for more than 30% of their monthly income, and 10% of the units will be ADA compliant.

At the August NACA meeting, members and guests of NACA heard a presentation by Mr. Rod Radle, Director of the San Antonio Alternative Housing Corporation, for SAAHC's proposal to acquire Runnymede Apartments. The project is expected to begin in October, 2007 and take 12 month to complete.

Renovations include replacing the wood trim siding; replacing air conditioner units with energy efficient units; replacing piping and bathtubs; replacing electrical outlets in the kitchen and bathroom; replacing cabinets and interior floors; replacing windows with double pane insulated windows; replacing thermostats. Two playgrounds will be added. All mailboxes will be replaced. Appliances will be ADA accessible. New sidewalks and curb ramps will be installed. Drainage on the property will be improved. And the on-site electrical transformers will be rebuilt to ensure an adequate and reliable source of energy.

A Memo of Understanding has been prepared to set the guidelines of cooperation between SAAHC and NACA to ensure the upkeep and safety of the property. Included in the agreement are such necessities as frequent trash and bulky trash pickup to prevent the accumulation of trash around the grounds and dumpsters. A perimeter fence will be installed without gates for added security, and entrances will be reduced from five to three on the Rundberg side. A Learning Center will be set up and an on site Social Services worker will be available. There will be periodic security sweeps, inluing APD advisors, to ensure that the lighting is adequate to deter detrimental activity and to ensure that such activity is not allowed to take place.

All concerned citizens are urged to read the document, to learn the full story.

~Keith Huntsman with Anthony Williams, Linda Moore and Matt Myers
