North Austin Civic Association

April, 2007

Letter from the

NACA President:

Problem Properties and Crime

Anthony Williams
Anthony Williams

It has been brought to my attention that many of our residents are concerned about the recent occurrences of break-ins and thefts in our neighborhood. Homes have been broken into during the day, and cars have been burglarized at night. Suspicious persons and activities have been observed on various streets within NACA. There have also been some reports of robberies committed against our immigrant residents. Unfortunately, because of their reluctance to report crimes to the police, they have become targets for criminals.

I have also become concerned with these recent events. They have driven me to implement a crime fighting plan for our neighborhood. This plan is a very simple approach: we empower ourselves against crime through information, education, and outreach.

Many NACA residents have been practicing the information part of this plan already. They have been reporting "problem" properties and streets to both NACA and to our local police.

I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for alerting us to these issues. Please continue to be vigilant, and encourage other neighbors to do the same. I also invite more of our membership to take some time every now and then to drive around and observe different streets around our area. Look around for other nuisances that may need to be reported. The more information we have, the better foundation we have in establishing this initiative.

Education about crime takes the form of awareness about the issues. NACA will soon be distributing flyers to streets that have been affected by acts of crime. The flyers will educate our residents about how to avoid burglaries and where to report any criminal activities. We also have plans to distribute flyers throughout our immigrant neighborhoods. These flyers will make residents aware of how to take extra personal safety precautions. and also how to report crimes to the police without fear of reprisals.

Finally. we will be actively outreaching to all segments of our population on the issue of crime. We become a louder voice against crime. when in greater numbers. We must spread the message to everyone we can. Be vigilant, communicate the issues, and report all incidences. I would like to stress to all immigrant residents who may be reading this article that our local police are NOT going to report you to the INS for reporting acts of crime. They are only interested in getting criminals off our streets and keeping all of us safe.

We all must play a part in order to keep ourselves, and our neighborhood safe from criminals. I believe that we can and will take the necessary actions that will keep our homes, our businesses, and our streets under our control.

~ Anthony Williams, President
North Austin Civic Association

Se me ha comunicado que muchos de los residentes estan consternados sobre los recientes asaltos e invacion a la propiedad privada en nuestro vecindario. Casas han silo invadidas por el dia, carros bandolizados por las noches, traflco sospechoso yattic idades han silo observadas en akaunas calles de NACA. Tambien se han hecho reportes sobre robos en contra de nuestros residentes inmigrantes quienes han sido hasechados por los criminales. Estos reportes me han hecho implementar un plan para pelear contra el crimen.

Este plan es simple de llevar acabo: nosotros tenemos el poder atraves de la information, education y desenvolvimiento. Muchos de los residents s va estan practicando parte de la information al estar al tanto del problema en las propiedades o areas de NACA.

Me gustaria personalmente hablar con calla uno de ustedes para estar atento de estos insidentes. Favor de mantenerse en comunicacion con NACA.

Tambien les pido ayuda anuestros miembros de que de ahora en adelante, tomen mas tiempo de vigilar nuestros alrededores de cualquier insidente o problema. Nuestra lista de NACA estara constantemente acualizada de todos los acontecimientos.

NACA estara distribuyendo boletines en las calles donde han ocurrido robos e invaciones a propiedades privadas, los boletines tambien seran repartidos para los inmigrantes. Estos boletines haran que se percaten de como tomar extra seguridad personal y como reportar crimenes ala policia sin miedos ni replicas.

Finalmente, estaremos alcansando a todos los alrededores de nuestra populacion en algun insidente o crimen. Deberemos espaser este mensaje a todos. Se un vigilante y comunica los insidentes. Me gustaria convenser a todos los inmigrantes que leen este articulo que nuestros policias no los reportaran con el departamento de inmigracion por reportar algun crimen, ellos solo se preocupan por prevenir y convatir el crimen en las calles.

Todos debemos tomar parte en orden para que nosotros y nuestros vecinos estemos seguros de los criminales. Creo que podemos y tenemos que tomar las acciones necesarias para mantener nuestras casas, negocios y calles en nuestro control y fuera de las manos de los criminales.

Reprinted from Your Neighborhood News, April 2007

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