NACA Welcomes New ANC Rep

Joshua Tallent joins the Austin Neighborhood Council

July, 2008
NACA is delighted to officially welcome Joshua Tallent to our list of neighborhood resources, as our representative to the Austin Neighborhood Council.

Joshua is an advocate for green living, to preserve our natural resources and energy. He has already been prominent in NACA's battle to preserve the Macmora area as an urban-rural island near our northern borders. His presentation to the City Council was instrumental in getting the zoning change rejected on the first reading.

Joshua is eBook Development Manager at Wordsearch Corporation. His website, Kindle Formatting [], is an excellent source for those of us who want to expand our horizons through the internet. He also may be reached at

Joshua succeeds Kennard Wright of the LBJ School of Public Affairs, who served in the post for the past two years.