Minutes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosewood Neighborhood Contact Team Special Meeting on Downs Field Project May 23, 2007 Present ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Coach Moore (HTU), Ryah Christianson, Jane Rivera, Gilbert Rivera, Laura Patlove General Discussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We discussed the issue of the bathrooms. Points made were that PARD won't let volunteers do the work. The quote to do the bathrooms and the locker rooms is about $300K. Coach Moore brought up that the restrooms and concession stand at Mabson were done 4 years ago and it cost only $150K. City Council members have suggested that the Downs field restrooms be moved to where Mabson Field is so that they won't be susceptible to flooding. We also talked about the Parkland Dedication money. Richard Weiss' project (24 units, 3 retail will have to pay $20K into the fund. The development on 12th and Hargrave with 140 units and more retail, should be paying quite a bit more. Laura said that the money would not be able to be used until a year after it had been deposited. However, she will ask PARD if monies from another development could be freed up and then reimbursed by the Rosewood developments. We then talked about the art project. Ryah states that AIPP could manage the public art. We could offer $1500 for an artist to do a proposal. The neighborhood could do and oral history. Mike Dunn could help as well as others from the neighborhood. Coach Moore said that he was told by Council Member Cole (is that correct?) that the city had allocated $79,000 for Downs Field for this year's budget. No one seems to know what is has been spent on -- perhaps screening? Coach Moore will ask Mike Dunn to inquire. Gilbert offered to write Council Members Cole and Leffingwill for support to improve the field. Coach Moore offered to talk to Judge Briscoe who once mentioned he would help as well as Ron Davis, County Commissioner. Laura offered to ask PARD for an "Adopt a Park" agreement or a MOU that she needs for the Austin Parks Foundation Grant. She would also ask PARD about naming the park the "Willy Wells Sports Complex." Laura offered to talk to Alice Glasco and possibly Jason Reese about possible funding for the park since it is caddy corner from 12th and Hargrave. Coach Moore told the group that the lighting at the ball field is going to change. He suggested using the old poles for parking designation. He also told us that his share of in-kind contribution (labor and time) to the field is about $46K a year. This includes help from the baseball team of HTU. A match is required for the APF grant. We could include the $4300 left from the NEF, $46K in kind from HTU, parkland dedication money ($20K +about $150K) coming to about $220,300. Gilbert mentioned that Blackland gets funding from local banks for housing. Jane will draw up a letter to circulate among banking institutions: CRA (Community Reinvestment officers), University Credit Union, Wells Fargo and CHASE were mentioned. Gilbert offered to write a letter from the Rosewood/Glen Oaks Neighborhood Assn. Laura said she would talk to Ricardo Soliz at PARD about meeting with him about this project. Ryah said she would contact Megan Crigger to see if we could have AIPP send out an RFP and get an artist to do a proposal for an art project for the park. Once we have that, we could get donors for the project. The neighborhood would pay $1500 to AIPP for the cost of the securing an artist. Ryah also said she would help compile a history of the park for the artist. She suggested that perhaps the artist could do a model (head) of Willy Wells and use that to get more funds. Coach Moore also talked about having a baseball conference there to raise funds for the field.