Minutes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosewood Neighborhood Contact Team Meeting May 18, 2006, 6:15 p.m. Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center Present ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryah Christensen, Judith Clarkson, Michael Emery, Mahala Guevara, Mocha Jean Herrup, Craig Johnson, Sun McColgin, Dusty McCormick, Deborah Norris, Jane Rivera, Gilbert Rivera, and Richard Weiss. Also present: Mike Dunn and Jimmi Naumann. Old Business ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Review and Approval of April Meeting Minutes: Meeting Minutes Approved Election of New Board Secretary: Richard Weiss approved as new Secretary; Michael Emery approved as new Webmaster. Downs Field Project Update ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Met May 10th (Meeting minutes provided). Mike Dunn, HT Rams baseball booster, and Jimmie Naumann, Assistant HT Baseball Coach, in attendance. Mike has volunteered to assist RNCT with the project. Discussion: Main issue was new safe parking lot and lighting (to be done by the city). Numerous other issues (toilets, changing areas, located in the flood plain). Vehicle maintenance yard used to be a city incinerator (hazardous waste). Field donated to city by Huston Tillotson, City is responsible for upkeep, all in a gentlemen's agreement that has not been maintained. Ball field is a city park but HT Coaches and players take care of the field during the season. HT donates time/ men's league has donated money to the playing surface but does not maintain the field. City wants contract with HT requiring annual payment. Nine Hall of Famers played at the park. We want to get a kiosk or marker with some of that history at the park. We are not seeking historic landmark designation. Downs Field committee wants to get something committed prior to bonds; we don't want to rely on bonds. Dusty pointed out that cities invest money in things that the community values. We need to show how we value this park. Strategy Action Items Draft Letter to Mayor, City Council and new council members concerning park issues. Mike submitted the draft for review. Ask for Parking improvements, security lighting, enhanced landscaping, improved restroom and locker facilities, drainage improvements, prioritized scheduling, documentation of the history of the field and making the field a landmark. Motion: Approve the letter with changes specified at meeting. Motion made by Dusty; Judith 2nd; unanimous approval. Darlene to get a meeting with Rep Dukes office to update her. 12th Street Church of God in Christ Development Proposal ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Review minutes from May 4th. No draft of a proposed conditional use overlay. Their current proposal: No zoning change requested for lot 5 (former parsonage, the rock house). Requesting an LO zoning for other 4 lots. Process under normal City zoning change process. Going to forward info to RNCT after applying to the city. They want to renovate old structure and improve the parking to the best of their ability. They do not need a vote from RNPT but the Planning Commission and City Council will look to the neighborhood for support of any zoning change. There was some discussion about the questions and answers. Motion: Richard made the motion to wait until we have the zoning application and make a recommendation at that point . Seconded by Gilbert. Discussion Deborah noted we should not compromise out neighborhood plan. Mocha Jean made a Substitute Motion to Vote no, seconded by Mahala. Following some discussion, substitute motion withdrawn. Second substitute motion made by Mahala and seconded by Mocha Jean that RNCT currently does not support the church's proposal and wants to weigh in when the zoning case is set. 6 supported and 2 did not support. Substitute Motion passes. New Business Manor Road and Cap Metro Plans Presented by Lucy Galbraith from Cap Metro and Jim Walker from Cherrywood Neighborhood. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucy-2004 Ballot does not show connection between central Austin circulator and other plans. Meetings have been held over the last year. Draft alignment for street car as opposed to buses. Street Car stop will be at Manor Road . UT board of regents needs to approve connection through UT. May end at the Seaholm complex downtown. Street car runs in a lane of traffic in most places. How this will work with bike lanes not worked out yet. Platform is the sidewalk Friendlier for pedestrian development and more frequency (6-10 minutes) than busses. Fixed routes are geared toward regular riders, this is geared toward more frequent riders. Streetcars will not be started for about 4 years; will be electric powered. At the same time, there will be a HUB for commuter rail south of MLK and a rapid bus line on MLK. Jim Walker- Frustrated because the community is never involved in votes. Use neighborhood plan teams to talk about transit and make recommendations. Corridors- businesses- Do not accept- engineers will have to work it out later. Please set up a sub committee to look at transit and make recommendations. How do you want it to work? Street cars can run in their own ROW. Upper Boggy Creek Planning Team meeting on June 8th. Cap Metro has to do things on the cheap- only way to reverse that is community groundswell. Tired of waiting for Cap Metro to ask for input. Defend your routes/position. Land use and transportation work together- Pressure for density Market controls density. If you want ripple effect around Featherlite tract you need to act NOW. Jane said we participated in a Cap Metro forum 2 years ago and we never got results. Sonya from the city may be able to help communicate. Church planned for Featherlite tract is going to cause more parking congestion. We need to put together a transportation plan. Craig pointed out any taking out of existing bike lanes would not be supported Jim noted that Mueller is what is causing the Manor road connection. He's supporting a November vote wants to make sure that process defines what is on the ballot. 2 Announcements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Request for Demolition permit at 2932 East 12th Street-pink and white building. Neighborhood will not oppose. Need a volunteer to be the watch captain for APD. Mahala may volunteer. Angela Miller is leaving our neighborhood. Motion to Adjourn ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjourn 7:59 p.m.