Rosewood Neighborhood Contact Team Monthly Meeting Thursday, May 15, 2008 6:15 p.m. Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center Present ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Judith Clarkson, Michael Emery, Louis Herrera, Mocha Jean Herrup, Laura Patlove, Gilbert Rivera, Jane Rivera, and Bryan Robison Old Business ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Minutes provided by Michael, filling in. April minutes unanimously approved. Chair's Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane mentioned a pending variance request that was put to her, but isn't in the Rosewood planning area. She brought it to the attention of the correct planning body. Kicking off the report on Downs Field Project, Laura said that Huston-Tillotson University (HT) and The Austin Metro Baseball League (AMBL) are the only technical clients who currently use Downs Field; the public is not a user. While Austin Parks and Recreation Dept. (PARD) pay for water and utilities, HT maintains the grounds and AMBL contributes some $15K annually for the field's upkeep. PARD anticipates another $1-3M in park upgrades, some requested by RNCT to make improvements to the western edge of the tract that fronts Boggy Creek. PARD remains reluctant to assume the brunt of the responsibility for what appears to be a private facility on public park land. Gilbert has been leading a Downs Field sub-committee that will meet with stakeholders from HT and AMBL and the Austin Parks Foundation to organize the effort to bring improvements to the site. There is about $1.5K available for an Art in Public Places gesture. Jane sought a more focus on the matter of how to spend about $6K that's available for "Plan B" of the Neighborhood Enhancement Fund Grant. With the group in attendance, she winnowed down from a large list of possible projects to a shorter, more relevant list. This included options like lighting of our streets, trash cans in the greenbelt, signage for our streets, and planting trees. *meeting adjourned*