Rosewood Neighborhood Contact Team Monthly Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 25th, 2010, 6:30 p.m. Harvey House, E. 13th Street at Harvey Street, Austin, TX Present ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Judith Clarkson, Jim Eastburn, Linda Foster, Ethan Horne, Dusty McCormick, Gilbert Rivera, Jane Rivera, Bryan Robison, and Lonny Stern. Chair's Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Approve minutes of previous meeting Discussion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim presents details of Community Housing Development Corporation meeting he attended: New AISD Superintendent expressed where she wanted AISD to go. Teachers are key. Discussed ways to ensure good teachers. She believes developpers are driving AISD. Downtown Neighborhood is talking about removing density bonus within two mile radius. Dusty reported VMU that was before he is 90% sure passed City Council. Mr. Wallaces didn't pass. Guadalupe Saldana Affordable homes proposed Webberville and Goodwin. 90 unit development. Mixture of single family and townhomes. 58 ownership at 80% MFI, 32 rentals at 60% MFI. Netzero development, being designed by KRDB. Old Business ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Election of officers: Chairman Jane Rivera Vice Chair Dusty Secretary Lonny Stern Altlernate Secretary Ethan Horne Treasurer Bryan Robison Discussion of what to do with future sale proceeds from book that Jane and Gilbert are writing. Dusty had news regarding Lyons Gardens and Family Eldercare are going different directions. Since Family Eldercare will be getting out of housing, they are looking for someone to manage Lyons Gardens. Vote on issuing a letter of support on the Horne Family FAR variance at 2800 E. 22nd. Letter to state Rosewoods recommendation to change from .4 FAR to .5 FAR. Vote passed in favor of. Lonny Sterns reported on the status of the East Side Fair. Meeting adjourned.