TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2001 (7:30PM)
Fellowship Hall

In attendance: Candace Huff, Bruce Logan, Sam Staples, Fred Daughtry, Eric Vormelker, Lisa Schneider, Barrie Cogburn, Rindy Fox, Rene Tello

We had a great meeting with a lot of great energy and ideas for the future. Nine neighbors attended and we discussed what we'd like the Neighborhood Association to do in the year to come. After much lively discussion, we decided that we would create a Steering Committee made up of all of those present (and anyone else who might be interested) instead of creating "officers." Everyone there agreed that they would be interested in participating at varying levels.

We decided that we'd have general meetings every other month with some kind of feature presentation (ie. about Neighborhood Watch, Gardening, Home Remodeling, or other area of interest). And in the other months, we'll have a Steering Committee planning meeting where we'll make plans for the general meetings, upcoming events, and anything else that might need attention.

Rindy Fox will coordinate the creation of Neighborhood Watch in our neighborhood. This will be the focus of our November general meeting.

Fred Daughtry generously offered to take on the Newsletter Editor responsibility. He's asked that everyone get any submissions to him by the first of every month. Anyone interested in writing something for the newsletter should contact him. We also still need volunteers from each block to help deliver them.

Lisa Schneider said that she'd be happy to continue to maintain the web page and compose meeting announcements to be sent out on the Yahoo Groups discussion list. We also discussed the need to combine the announcement list that Lisa and Eric have compiled with the Yahoo Groups list to eliminate confusion and make it easier to maintain.

There were a lot of other ideas for special events including a garden tour in the Spring, National Night Out Party next August, a neighborhood garage sale, and a Holiday Decoration Contest.