
Adventuring Outdoors is Austin's gay and lesbian volunteer organization for the outdoor enthusiast. Please enjoy your visit here! The activities sponsored by Adventuring Outdoors are cooperative in nature. Individuals participate at their own risk and with the understanding that trip leaders are not to be considered experts. The Adventuring Outdoors group and its individual volunteers take no responsibility and disclaim any and all liability for personal injury or property damage associated with its activities. Adventuring Outdoors depends on the involvement of its members. It is important that individuals sponsor at least one activity per year in order to maintain the viability of the group. If you have any questions about what is involved in sponsoring an outing or event, send an with your question(s).

If you would like to join the Adventuring Outdoors Yahoo group, just click the button below.

Click to join adventuringoutdoors

Click to join adventuringoutdoors

No spam, jokes or political messages. It's only for club announcements. Still unsure about what we do? Check out our sample events recently or this short video:


Adventuring Outdoors would like to thank the Metropolitan Austin Interactive Network (MAIN)
for donating the space for our home page. Be sure to visit MAIN.