CTACS 2005-05-16 meeting

Attending were Charlie Boas, Chris Boas, Don Kassebaum, Keith Sterzing, Sergei Sterzing, and George Wyche.

Keith's A3000 had an immediate relapse 24 hours after our last meeting when we found Keith's C folder gone. This made it very difficult to do things until we found a pretty good copy of the C folder over until Miami. So this time we knew where to go look right away. But this time we didn't have any installations disks other than a 3.9 CD. The CD reader refused to do anything.

I volunteered to drive home and get a set. While at home I grabbed a hunter's jacket for Don who is having troubles with circulation system related to his heart condition.

Don was grateful (see it there in the photo) and my 3.1 floppies got the A3000 going pronto. But WHY is this happening? I spent some time training Keith to repeat my actions should it happen yet again. This seems like a good insurance policy.

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