CTACS 2005-06-20

From the lower left: Keith S., Don K., Charlie B., (barely visible behind) Chris B., Sergei S., John H., Juan G. and (not shown) George W.

George brought his AmigaOne with a couple new games courtesy of OS4Depot.com. Chris and Sergei monopolized the computer which was alright with us.

Things have hit the fan for Don. His bit of web work has been insufficient to stave off the wolf at the door and he is moving out of his house before our next meeting. He asked for volunteers to help him move. To where? Doesn't know yet.

Charlie is still scanning the city's internal "Help wanted" with an eye to move laterally to a job that includes some outdoor activity.

George is still hoping various CITA Systems projects pan out to boost 2005's income outlook.

John Herron is facing a trip to East Texas to support the State's software out in the field.

The main decision made was to select THE new logo from among Juan 13 or so offerings. George will see to a vote about the matter.

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